Today is probably the worst day ever. Its with our deepest regrets that we have to write this. Casey Calvert passed away in his sleep last night. We found out this afternoon before sound-check. We've spent the entire day trying to come to grips with this and figure out as much as possible. At this time we're not sure what exactly happened. Just last night he was joking around with everyone before he went to bed. We can say with absolute certainty that he was not doing anything illegal. Please, out of respect to Casey and his family, don't contribute or succumb to any gossip you may hear. We don't want his memory to be tainted in the least. Casey was our best friend. He was quirky and awesome and there will truly be no others like him! His loss is unexplainable. As soon as we know more we will let you know.
Hawthorne Heights
Eron, JT, Micah and Matt
Here are words from alot of people posting on Casey Calvert VictorME page
Casey Calvert's Testimonies
11/26/2007 12:24 PM
You will be missed :(
R.I.P Casey. You will be missed. No one can ever take ur place. =[
omg...i guess we cant get married now lol... u inspire me with your screams...ur the voice that makes me who i am and without you, i fear music cant be the same. ill miss you casey. ily so much and i cant thank you enough for all youve given me and ur fans...I SAW YOU 2 months ago at warped tour...i touched you i crowd surfed, i moshed....thank you for a great show. R.I.P u deserve it....♥
RIP Casey Calvert, Hawthorne is not gonna be the same without you.
RIP Casey You will be missed by everyone!!! we all love you x x x x x x
R.I.P Casey...
rip calvert. i'm gonna miss your scream. your laugh. your smile. your guitar talent. i'm gonna miss you. much love to your friends, family, HH and definitely your fans.
we love you casey. we will never forget you. :*[
Rest in peace, darling.
stupid victorme cut off my comment! to finish, I *heart* u Casey and there's never gonna be any1 who could replace u. Rest In Peace. You're with Beatz now... T_T i love u!
Casey Calvert Videos (1)
Posted: 22 hrs agoBy: shecky
Casey Calvert Journals (53)
wherever you are up there, in that vast sky, just know … Read more
Rest in peace Casey Calvert.
R.I.P. Casey Calvert
stuff. And i saw Casey had died. I just went into … Read more
Casey :((((((
so bad about this and decided on making a journal. … Read more
Casey Calvert
Heights, dies in sleep', I had to re-read it severa… Read more
Casey Calvert Links (3)
A candle for Casey
Casey Calvert
sleep" title="Casey Calvert, guitarist for
Hawthorne Heights,1dies in
sleep" border="0">
Casey Calvert, guitarist for
Hawthorne Heights,1dies in
Casey Calvert Polls (1)
Are u sad about Casey Calverts death ???
go ahead and answer please !
Here are comments posted about the tragedy at Punknews
Dayton, Ohio's Hawthorne Heights has announced the sad news that rhythm guitarist Casey Calvert has passed away. He was 26. The band made the following announcement:
The band last released If Only You Were Lonely in 2006.Our deepest condolences to Casey's friends and family.
What are the benefits of having a account?
by asxyouxwish on 2007-11-25 10:02:43
that's....that's a bummer, man. that's a bummer.
by Matthew330 on 2007-11-25 10:02:52
26 year old dying of natural causes?
by fallingupwards84 on 2007-11-25 10:12:08
1981-2007... its scary seeing those dates and realizing how short life is, it can take you away at any moment. hell most of us here were probably born in the early 80s, thats insane.
by returnofdebs on 2007-11-25 10:34:11
that's really sad.
by sceneupdates on 2007-11-25 10:34:58
Holy shit, that's mad. RIP. Tony Brummel might want to lay off all those charges.
by PoisonTheWhales on 2007-11-25 10:36:48
Damn thats young to die. First that MLB pitcher Joe Kennedy died at the age of 28 and now this member of Hawthorne Heights at 26 all within a few days. Both were pretty sudden but i guess you never really know when your time is gonna be up.
by blue_drink on 2007-11-25 10:37:29
Just when you thought this bands luck couldn't get any worse.
I actually feel bad for these guys now. :(
by PersonalResponsibility on 2007-11-25 10:40:09
brain aneurysm or heart attack most likely. He was probably born with it.
It sucks but it happens.
by android on 2007-11-25 10:42:22
all the someones would go crazy on this topic.
good thing they´re gone.
by Lmnndtlgrph on 2007-11-25 10:43:19
wow, that's terrible. at least he went down living (what i assume was) his dream.
by LVenice88 on 2007-11-25 10:47:05
so i can fall asleep tonight, or die...
by sfbarker on 2007-11-25 10:59:12
Dude, that's tragic. It sucks that so many things that could potentially be wrong with us never get caught. At least he did a lot with his life.
by Dsquared on 2007-11-25 11:06:04
Does anyone remember when victory was releasing good music?
by Tobin_Ownlife on 2007-11-25 11:14:07
Yeah, I really don't like this band but I am not going to celebrate a death of a band member. It kind of made me sick when everyone was saying the drummer from Leftover Crack deserved to die in celebatory posts and replies. He may have had it coming from drug use but it's shitty to celebrate someones death when they really didn't deserve it or they never hurt anyone.
by misterspike on 2007-11-25 11:14:45
Wow. That's a hard one to wake up to. Twenty-six?! I can't even imagine. My condolences to his friends and family.
by Dudley_Shale on 2007-11-25 11:20:16
This is really shitty.
I really think Brummel should call off the fucking dogs, if he's got an ounce of respect for musicians at all.
He probably won't though.
by bytheslice on 2007-11-25 11:35:51
R.I.P. This is terrible.
by Medley on 2007-11-25 11:42:32
I realize this is really nitpicking, and probably not what the band had in mind with this statement, but I find a bit odd the band's choice of words in saying Casey "was not doing anything illegal" (i.e. drugs) prior to his death. Even if he had been doing drugs (and the fact that some drugs are illegal while others are not is even less relevant) I would hope the band's fans would be sympathetic nonetheless. Regardless of the circumstances, it's tragic when anyone dies that young.
by getadrink on 2007-11-25 11:50:40
I hate this band, but that sucks.
by Bryne on 2007-11-25 11:51:02
That's unfortunate. Man...26.
by AlmostPunkEnough on 2007-11-25 12:00:33
regardless of what you say about their music, this is a band of really good guys, and he was among the best of them. he'll be sorely missed by anyone and everyone who knew him.
RIP dude, if there's a heaven i know you'll be up there jammin with the best of them...
by el_matt on 2007-11-25 12:08:30
Holy shit. I feel bad for these guys
by RondoMondo on 2007-11-25 12:25:22
He was so young. Damnit, this is horrible news.
R.I.P. man.
by lostcausegiveup on 2007-11-25 12:27:38
my deepest condolonces go out to them.
by Jesus_H_Christ on 2007-11-25 12:31:28
holy shit.
by dumhed01 on 2007-11-25 12:32:38
I don't like the bands music but the blows.
by branden on 2007-11-25 12:44:40
this is the guy that did the screams right? aw man, he was always my favorite. you could tell he didnt take those silly growls too seriously.
by T-Rock on 2007-11-25 12:52:51
I hate this band, but that sucks. I was born in 1987, so I'm not too far off. RIP, man.
Speaking of those who have passed on, I highly recommend the Joe Strummer documentary, "The Future is Unwritten." It's really good, if not exactly brand new.
by listofdemands on 2007-11-25 13:02:20
that is just terrible. i am very sorry to hear that. i'm a year older than he was. damn.
by FranklinStein on 2007-11-25 13:15:57
all i want to say about this band is that their video for "saying sorry" is hilarious. that is all.
by HumanUnkind on 2007-11-25 13:38:39
This is really sad. Many Condolences
by istapledmyfoot on 2007-11-25 14:05:38
this makes me sad, RIP.
by onegirlarmy on 2007-11-25 14:17:10
Holy fuck. I have no words right now.
Like many others here, I'm no fan of Hawthorne Heights music wise. But, a friend of mine was good friends with Casey so I've spoken to and hung out with the guy on a couple of occasions, and he was a really nice guy. Plus the fact that he was the same age as me (26)... that's really scary.
RIP man... this is a really shit thing to wake up to.
by manincognito on 2007-11-25 14:18:20
shit. rest in peace man, and my deepest condolences to the family and friends.
by Diver on 2007-11-25 14:26:19
Man Total bummer, especially around the holidays and all.
by JonDaley on 2007-11-25 14:35:43
I guess it would be strange if I said I expected this but it is a real shock and a real shame.
by martinNZ09 on 2007-11-25 14:46:30
Never really got into the band but who cares this ia a tragedy
by Fuzzy on 2007-11-25 14:52:51
I would like to thank all of our posters for handling this in a respectful and appropriate manner. I can't imagine having had this response just six months ago.
Thank you so very much.
-Justin / the rest of the Staff
This is a huge tragedy. This guy was the exact same age as me. I can only imagine the impact on his friends and family. I had a friend die in a motorcycle accident this year and it tore me apart. I hope things are easier for these guys, especially given the turmoil they've been in recently.
by thekeyboardplayersucks on 2007-11-25 15:42:36
Being from Ohio, there are people I know that were friends with this guy. It's a shame.
by DontTaserMeBro on 2007-11-25 15:45:31
I've never heard this band. Regardless of what anyone feels about this band's music, it's important to remember that these guys are people just like us. No matter what the experience has been with posters on this site and no matter what our taste in music is, everyone can agree that the guys in this band worked hard enough to be in the national spotlight (for at least a little time), and that needs to be rewarded. As far as this guy's death is concerned, that's terrifying. Someone so close to our collective ages dying is truly, truly a scary thing, especially for those of us that lead a similar lifestyle and find ourselves on the road at work doing this kind of thing for a "living". I know that I personally once was one of those people - constantly touring and doing this kind of thing day to day for a few months of the year, and it scares me to think that one of the guys in the bands I played in just wouldn't wake up the next day.
I'm happy to see the response to this as a generally nice one. I hope that friends, family and fans of Casey are reflecting on good times they had with a guy who was apparently a very gifted individual.
It's sad to have a death so close to thanksgiving, too. Hug the ones you're thankful for, everyone.
by baseball on 2007-11-25 16:01:08
that's absolutely awful, i can not fathom how it must feel to have someone close to you just be gone like that
RIP, i feel for this guy's family and friends
by Seanzor on 2007-11-25 16:05:28
My cousin died the same way last year. My brother's friend's sister did a few days ago. Really shitty way to lose someone.
by Scootz_McNasty on 2007-11-25 16:15:41
This is really awful. These guys were at (or on their way to) the height of their careers. And so close to Thanksgiving and so young, its truly tragic. I was never a fan of their music, but they are still people just like you and me.
What can I say that hasn't been said already? I hate seeing the "In Memorium" tag with 1980-something right after. A family friend from when I was real little knew the guy in Ra-Ra-Riot really well. All these talented youths my age dying so often is hard to accept.
My condolences
by cameronfits on 2007-11-25 16:26:55
it is so fucked up, cause like alot of yall said most of us were born in the 80s and fuck....thats shitty
by damnitsderek on 2007-11-25 16:36:48
There isn't much left to say that everyone else hasn't said.
Absolutely horrible. RIP.
by badbrain on 2007-11-25 16:42:26
Coroner's Report:
Date: 11/24/07
Casey Calvert's bladder showed signs of a highly developed infection that led to his waste infecting other organs untill they shut down during his sleep.
Kathy Calwitz, chief examiner.
by fox82 on 2007-11-25 16:45:19
Shame I suppose for someone to die that young, no matter how shit his band or music was (that's not the point)...
However, is it just me, or did Tony Victory suddenly go 'Holy shit, my hex fucking worked!'?
by Coldwaffles on 2007-11-25 17:11:22
One can only hope the music community that surrounds this band is as supportive as they were when Bayside's drummer passed.
by johnd on 2007-11-25 17:15:40
never heard the band but this is terrible news... rip.
by SongTitle_YearOfBirth on 2007-11-25 17:51:26
26? shit. RIP man
by shoottoswil on 2007-11-25 18:32:39
YAY! maybe they will stop making music!
people die everyday and so should I feel obligated to feel sorry for the fuckin loser
you guys have never met him and most of you saying "i didnt like the band but RIP man"
thats like when saddam was exacuted he did nothing good for anyone
just like how this peice of shit screamo drummer did nothing for punk
knowing the kind of music he plays makes me think he died of crying himself to sleep
by hhrules on 2007-11-25 18:42:55 is reporting that guitarist Casey Calvert died on November 24, 2007.This is also posted on the main Hawthorne Heights website. The D.C. Fox affiliate has reported that Calvert used an inhaler for acute asthma and, pending official toxicology results, this condition could have caused his death.
by fuckthakids on 2007-11-25 18:54:06
To bad he didn't take the rest of the band with him. Horrible band guess it just proves no matter how bad yet successful the band they are not immortal. Funniest quote "He didn't do anything illegal" Maybe it was a Jerbaling accident.
by Mafiachick1313 on 2007-11-25 19:42:39
Tat sucks man... i hope HH is okay
by conebone69 on 2007-11-25 20:11:03
Does this mean Hawthorne Heights are going to cover "Bro Hymn" on their next album?
by iamnormie on 2007-11-25 21:10:50
This is why you don't fuck with Tony Brummel. He can kill you in your sleep... WITH MIND BULLETS!
by xxJessyxx on 2007-11-25 21:11:51
wow, i cant believe that. i really dont know what to say.
by sugarfull on 2007-11-25 23:32:21
That's really sad. Out of respect, I'm going to refrain from the obvious jokes.
by briaws on 2007-11-26 00:15:01
this is fucking terrible. my condolences go out to his family, friends, and band.
by PervyD on 2007-11-26 01:29:32
I will have to side with most people who didn't like this band's music and yet feel really bad for them. All kidding aside, they didn't need this thrown on top of their ever-accumulating shitpile of lawsuits and frozen CD releases. Condolences go out Casey's family and the band, cuz having been in a touring band for a long time, I'm sure it feels like they'd lost a brother.
by AstronautJones on 2007-11-26 01:41:31
if i was in hawthorne heights i would probably kill myself.
too soon?
by AMPMagMatt on 2007-11-26 09:28:26
Anyone who stoops to the level of making a joke about this news is showing what a truly ugly, shallow, awful person they really are. Don't like HH's music? That's fine, turn it off. Don't buy it. Don't listen to it. To make insults when soemone dies? There's no place for that.
You didn't know Casey. If you did, you wouldn't be making these jokes. To say Casey was one of the "good guys" is an understatment. Completely unassuming, completely oblivous to nearly everything around him, and pretty much just an overgrown 5 year old, Casey was always the fun one. He was energetic as all hell and to see someone like this stolen from us is never funny, never a point for a punchline. You have no class, you have no respect, and you have no dignity.
Let Casey's memory live on, and let it be known that he was an amazing, amazing dude. Fuck everyone who thinks that's something worth spitting on.
by vivalaRachel on 2007-11-26 13:29:51
man, this is still hard to believe.
I wasn't the biggest fan of Hawthorne Heights - but I was a fan. and Casey was definitely my favorite member of the band. his personality was amazing.
I'm glad I got to meet him this summer in Cleveland, Ohio. we may have only talked for a few minutes, but I'll never forget that conversation. ever.
r.i.p. Casey
party hard in Heaven, babe.
&keep that screaming voice strong,
I expect to hear it someday soon.
ily forever and ever.