
Penny Petition

Dear Friends,

Theres a dark movement afoot in this country to eradicate the penny, spearheaded by Rep. Jim Kolbe. Although 66% of Americans want to keep the penny, and almost 80% would stop to pick one up off the ground, Jim Kolbe doesnt care. He is in the process of instituting legislation that would put an end to the penny forever.

To stop this evil in its tracks, click the link below and sign a petition telling Jim Kolbe that you are Pro-Penny.

And to prove the power and glory of the penny, Virgin Mobile is instituting penny-texting, where you can send a text message for only 1 cent.

IF YOU LOVE PUPPIES, KITTENS, AMERICA (or some combination there of), please click the link below to sign the petition!!!!

For the Love of Lincoln, PLEASE REPOST!!!!!!!!!!!

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